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Dan Lauszkin

Dan has always had an interest in photography and although he knew how to take a photo he didn’t have any faith or confidence that his work was any good. 

In the meantime he set up Alphafitmales one of the fastest growing men’s fitness and physique pages on Instagram. The page was set up to give fitness models and ordinary people an outlet to gain free exposure and by doing this Dan has made lots of contacts with fitness influencers throughout the world.


It was a chance meeting at Miami Pro Universe in October 2018 that set the ball rolling in Dan’s official photography career. Dan had attended the fitness competition to show some support to his friend Josh King who was competing. Whilst at the show Josh introduced him to two of the UK’s biggest fitness photographers, Simon Barnes and Justin Tayler. Dan had always followed their work and been a fan of it and the chance to meet the two photographers gave him the chance to ask questions. A long conversation followed and numbers were exchanged at the end. 

Having been taught to never be afraid to ask a question Dan eventually plucked up the courage to ask Simon Barnes if he would mentor him In the art/skill of fitness photography. Having previously heard that photography was a closed shop he didn’t hold out much hope. 


However Simon Barnes told him that he would love to pass on some of his knowledge and a close friendship developed from there. Three mentored shoots later and a very impressed mentor saw Simon release Dan to go it alone.


Sharing a studio with one of the UK’s best fitness photographers has seen Dan develop his own unique style both inside and outside and the close contact his has grown with many fitness models and influencers on social media through Alphafitmales has seen him grow an impressive list of clients in the UK, Europe, Australia and the United States. This in turn has allowed him to develop and expand his portfolio with various brands and influencers.

In 2020 Dan moved to the US and AlphaFit Photography has since upped its game once more.

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